05 May 2014

Cinema Class Final Video

Hey everyone!

So, if you read the last post about my video I promised I'd post a link...

I've got to say on a personal note I've gotten a ton of almost overwhelmingly positive feedback on it from friends here at the college and what not which has been pretty incredible for me. I don't think it's necessarily amazing, but without being too self-indulgent I am pretty proud of how it turned out. And I say that because I pretty much had a really strong vision in my head while listening to this song of what I wanted to do, and then was able to execute it. With my Nikon camera. And Windows Movie Maker. So it feels good to know that even with basic tools I can make something pretty decent.

And on the other hand, it's good to live up to an expectation that I believe I've set myself up for here. Not that there was a huge pressure on me by any means from anyone else. However, I am one of the "Chapman kids" here. I go to film school. I talk about the projects I've worked on. I've talked about my classes I've taken. I've talked about what I want to do with my life--a lot. And I'm also actually the only "Film Production" major from Chapman here. (Everyone else is creative producing, meaning the producers who budget, find locations, and pre-produce the film, or screenwriting or digital arts.) I'm the person in the class who HAS taken an editing class, a cinematography class, directing classes, etc. So, of anyone in the class, I felt like I SHOULD be someone who turns in something pretty decent. And furthermore, if making movies is what I want to spend my life doing, and I have a class assignment to make a short film, I shouldn't waste the opportunity. I should put some effort in and make something I really like and am proud of. So, this is the result!


P.S. Please anyone who reads this, feel free to leave comments or message me or anything with your feedback because I can see that this blog has actually gotten page views; I know someone out there is reading this (well, I hope at least), but I love having responses!

With that, have a nice day!

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